10 More Things Your Boss Expects You to Know About Solving Centerless Grinder Errors – Part Two

10 More Things Your Boss Expects You to Know About Solving Centerless Grinder Errors – Part Two

Few things are as unpleasant as having to take a problem to your boss, especially when it’s because one of your most reliable machine tools is acting up.  But there’s no need to be shaking in your boots when you approach Mr. or Ms. Slate.  First, do your homework by searching for potential causes of your centerless grinding machine’s ailment.  Second, make a list of possible remedies.  When you’ve gathered enough knowledge to tackle the problem, you can confidently address your boss and propose your solution.  

Last month, we listed five common grinding machine problems, their causes, and clues to possible solutions.  Here are five more garden-variety centerless grinder errors to add to your professional arsenal.

Error #6:  Low ends on work – chamfered
Possible causes:

  1. Work guides are deflected toward the regulating wheel
  2. Face of the regulating wheel is not straight at the work contact point (truing device is worn or not on a correct angle)

Error #7:  Low center – high ends
Possible causes:

  1. Work guides are deflected toward the grinding wheel
  2. Face of regulating wheel is not straight at the work contact point

Error #8:  Out-of-round work
Possible causes

  1. Regulating wheel is not dressed round
  2. Diamond is flat
  3. Work is not high enough above center

Error #9:  Taper
Possible causes:

  1. Work guides are not set properly
  2. Dirt under workrest or blade
  3. Gibs are loose

Error #10:  Surface finish
Possible causes:

  1. Loose grain
  2. Dirty coolant
  3. Dresser issue
  4. Grinding wheel selection

Is your centerless grinder not behaving as you’d like? Contact our grinding experts.

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